Always a student first, I am deeply committed to living and sharing the timeless teachings of yoga. I approach the practice from a holistic perspective – weaving together mindful movement, breathwork, meditation and philosophy – and encourage each person to discover for themselves their own path to clarity, steadiness and ease.
My classes are grounded and well-balanced, built around intelligent sequencing that brings intimate attention to both physical alignment and subtle body energy. With clear instruction and holding quiet space, I invite my students to tune into their body and mind with curiosity and full awareness.
My journey into teaching yoga has been an unexpected adventure. After leaving a marriage and decade-long career in advertising, I set off to India for a teacher training that would change the course of my entire life. My primary teachers are Kia Miller and Jason Crandell, who have inspired my dedication to ongoing studentship and personal evolution. I am currently studying with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, deepening my studies in mindfulness and meditation.
I truly believe that all of life is practice. What we learn on the mat informs how we live off the mat. How we relate to our inner world shapes how we move through the outer world. Every moment is an opportunity to practice - to meet ourselves in the moment, to remember what matters, to breathe and begin again.
Based in San Francisco, I am lover of hiking up big city hills and hidden stairs, being in perpetual awe of nature’s beauty, slowly working through the growing stack of books on my nightstand, taking care of my precious plant babies, making all the yoga playlists, continuously learning how to let be and let go.
As a complete novice, I originally approached yoga with equal amounts of skepticism and self-doubt. However, under Yvonne’s firm, yet gentle guidance, I have come to fully embrace yoga which has in turn changed my life. Yvonne has a natural teaching ability that enables her to easily bring forth the best in her students. - Barbara L